Posts by Dr. Mike Honeycutt

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Introducing Steve Smith

If you enjoyed the short introduction to Steve Smith during Sunday worship, we encourage you to dive deeper by watching this full-length video.In this extended version, you'll hear more about his journey, his heart for ministry, and how he hopes God will use him in his role here at Westminster.Take a few extra minutes to learn why Pastor Mike and our staff are so excit...

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Our Extraordinary Savior

As we begin Passion week, we look back to the week that our Savior, through his death and resurrection, made a way for us to rise as well. And along the way, we see a series of contrasts between him and us. First, just prior to Palm Sunday, Jesus "set his face to go to Jerusalem" (Luke 9:51). That meant one thing for his apostles: "An argument arose among them as to which...

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Perhaps the Most Neglected but Most Needed Beatitude for This Moment

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."- Matthew 5:9 COVID 19 has provided fertile ground for conflict, lots of it. There are reports, for instance, of increased numbers of domestic violence and of "dramatically more severe" physical injuries.i "The number of people looking for divorces was 34 percent higher from March through June compared ...

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Pastor of Families and Children

This is both a WPC church update and a blog post about our children's ministry. First, the update. God has provided us with our next Pastor of Families and Children. I wish I could tell you his name, but I can't. I wish I could tell you where he is coming from, but I can't. He has not yet told his own congregation. So, we need to be patient. This I can tell you. When he j...

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Some Favorite Books

In a recent video devotional (Daily Milk, April 14, 2020), I encouraged us all to read more as we shelter at home. So, I thought I would discuss some books that I believe are very much worth your time. 1. STUDY BIBLES Of course, I start with the Bible, but not just any Biblea study Bible. Understanding the Bible is a lifelong venture that requires time in the Word and le...

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Reflections on the Coronavirus

Of all the world religions, I am convinced that Christianity alone addresses in a helpful manner both the causes of suffering in this world and its resolution. But, in times of significant sufferingwhether natural disasters or pandemicsChristians have not been of one voice in their response. Some say,"This is the will of God."Others disagree. One prominent evangelical pas...

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