Drink Deeply and Find Refreshment
It’s hard to believe that what we hoped in March would be a 2-4 week interruption to our lives is still our daily reality. And as this situation with the Coronavirus has continued many of us are beginning to feel, or already have been feeling, a deep spiritual weariness.There are days when I’m getting out of the bed and I say to myself “Once more unto the breach.” Right now there are days when just getting out of our beds and starting another day requires a battle cry.
We miss normal. We miss our friends. We miss our neighbors. We miss our family. We miss feeling like we know what tomorrow will bring. We miss life without masks, anxiety, and frustration. To quote an old hymn, “We are tired, we are weary, we are worn.”
And the reality for most of us is that when we feel this deep weariness our response is to want to do nothing. Our minds are tired. Our hearts are tired. We want to be left alone. We have more time than we’ve had in years, but we find ourselves wanting to do absolutely nothing with it.
Today, I want to encourage us with the truth that we can acknowledge our spiritual weariness, and I want to encourage us with the truth that God has provided us with true and deep refreshment in His Word. In Psalm 19, David celebrates God’s Words as a gift to His people. And in this Psalm, David gives us six reasons why we should turn to God’s Word each day.
The first reason that David tells us that we should turn to God’s Word each day, is that God’s word revives the soul. In verse 7 David says, The law of the LORD is perfect, reviving the soul.
A lot of us have souls that feel tired, that feel care worn, that feel anxious and sad. David tells us that the cure for this is God’s word. God’s word brings life to our souls. James Montgomery Boice has this to say about it, “Therefore, no matter what our sins may have been or our problems are, the Bible is able to turn us from our sins, lead us through our problems, and both feed and enrich us so that we are able to enjoy the full benefits of spiritual life.”
Or as Jesus says is Matthew 4:4, Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God. When we feel tired, worn out, and like we don’t have anything left to give David tells us to go to God’s word, because it revives our soul in a way that nothing else will.
The second reason that David tells us that we should turn to God’s word each day, is that God’s word makes wise the simple. The second half of verse 7 says, the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple.
There are a lot of moments in our lives right now where we may not be sure what to do, or how to understand what is happening around us.
We need God’s word to teach us and to instruct us. There are a lot of moments in our lives right now where we may not be sure what to do, or how to understand what is happening around us. The good news is that God knows this, and that He has given us instruction in His word so that we can grow in wisdom.
The third reason that David tells us that we should turn to God’s word each day, is that God’s word makes the heart rejoice. Verse 8 says, the precepts of the LORD are right, rejoicing the heart. A lot of the time, when we think of the Bible we think of rules. We think of restrictions. We think of God crashing our party. And here David tells us that God’s laws make our heart rejoice.
We were created to be in a right relationship with God. We were created to walk in His ways and to represent Him on the earth. When we go our own way. When we pursue sin and rebellion. What we find is death. But when we return to Him we find abundant life.
Tim Keller uses the illustration of a goldfish who wants freedom, and jumps out of his bowl onto the counter top. That’s what we’re like when we choose to break God’s laws. We don’t have the technology yet, but I assume that if the goldfish could talk to us, it would tell us that freedom from the water wasn’t all that it hoped it would be and that its heart was glad when it got put back into the water.
As we read God’s word and allow it to shape us and our lives, it’s kind of like being put back into the water. We were made to know God, and to love Him, and to obey Him, and to be in a relationship with Him. And His word through the power of the Holy Spirit works in us, and as it does, it feels like coming home, and our hearts rejoice.
The fourth reason that David tells us that we should turn to God’s Word each day, is that God’s Word gives light to the eyes. The second half of verse 8 says, the commandment of the LORD is pure, enlightening the eyes.
God’s word brings light into a dark world, because it’s pure, it’s not tainted by the darkness. God’s word directs us, it guides us. Psalm 119:105 says, Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. We need God’s word to pierce the darkness of sin, and to show us the right way to go.
The fifth reason that David tells us that we should turn to God’s word each day, is that God’s word endures forever. Verse 9 says, the fear of the LORD is clean, enduring forever. We live in a time when truth is frequently treated as if it is relative. We live in the time of “preferred truths.” We live in a time where truth can change every few minutes.
David tells us, that God’s truth endures forever. There is no change in God, and there is no change in God’s word. Isaiah 40 verse 8 says, The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever. We need God’s word in our daily lives, because it never changes. It’s so easy to feel like a ship caught in the waves during these tumultuous times. We need God’s unchanging word to anchor our souls.
The sixth reason that David tells us that we should turn to God’s word each day, is that God’s word is better than the best things this world has to offer us. Verses 10 says, More to be desired are they than gold, even much fine gold; sweeter also than honey and drippings of the honeycomb.
David who, as king, knew a good deal about gold and good food, tells us that God’s word is better than the best things this world has to offer. And this is a challenge for us. It’s easy to get up in the mornings when we know we have to go to work to make money to provide for our families. It’s easy to make sure that we eat everyday. It’s harder to wake up and read the Bible or to dwell on God’s word during the day. But David tells us that God’s word in our lives is more important than the money that we can make and that it’s better than the best food that we could eat.
David wrote these words as a man who had drunk deeply and had found refreshment and life in God’s Word.
The Bible is clear that we need God’s Word in our daily lives. But it is also clear that we don’t need it just because God told us that we need it, we need it like a fish needs water. David didn’t write these words as a legalistic call to read our Bibles more, David wrote these words as a man who had drunk deeply and had found refreshment and life in God’s Word.
In this season of deep weariness let us heed David’s call to take up and to celebrate the gift of God’s word that revives our souls, that brings us joy, that makes us wise, that shows us our path, that is truth in a world that has given up on truth, and that is better than anything this world can give us.
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