Session Update — November 24
Dear Westminster Presbyterian Church Family,
Please read on for an update from the Session’s November meeting.
Last month we shared with you a ministry called Wellspring Group, a discipleship ministry that leads people to live wholehearted lives in friendship with God and with others. In this month’s meeting, the Session heard from Greg Poole, Executive Pastor at Oak Mountain Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama. Greg shared his church’s experience and his personal experience with Wellspring’s Battle for the Heart training. Afterwards, several elders who have been through the training shared their experience and how it has impacted them in their jobs, family life, and as shepherds of our congregation. Our elders are exploring ways to bring this training to more members of our church as we seek to carry out the Great Commission of making disciples of Christ.
Each year, a budget committee prepares and proposes a budget for the Session’s ultimate approval. In their November meetings, the Session and Diaconate were presented with a draft budget for 2025 for review and feedback. The budget will be approved by the Session in December and finalized in January. Once approved, a complete budget is posted online at, along with quarterly financial updates. God has been so generous to Westminster over the years, and we thank you for your faithful tithes and offerings that allow us to advance his kingdom in Rock Hill and beyond.
Twice a year we welcome new members into fellowship at Westminster. This fall we are excited that 47 new members will be joining our church and taking their membership vows in the worship services on December 8th. We praise God for bringing these beloved brothers and sisters into our church family and look forward to worshiping and growing alongside them.
Members of the Global Missions Team provided a ministry update to the Session this month. If you didn’t know, we support 36 missionaries across 16 different organizations in North America, Latin America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and Africa. Due to your generosity, we provide over $250,000 a year in support of our missionaries. It is our desire to see missions as a part of the DNA of Westminster where all of us are seeking our place in serving others across the street and across the ocean.
We are excited to host our annual Missions Weekend on March 21-23, 2025, when we will be welcoming many of our supported missionaries to share their stories of how God is working through their ministry. The Global Missions Team is also exploring potential opportunities for short-term mission trips in Athens, Greece and Cartagena, Colombia next year. Please be in prayer for the Global Missions Team as they plan our Missions Weekend and short-term mission trips. Also be in prayer that we would continue to be a church that is passionate about supporting missions work around the globe.
Over the last several months, the Session has discussed the method in which we serve the Lord’s Supper. Hopefully you have already received an update from Pastor Mike, but if you have not yet seen it, you can read his letter at
Please stay tuned each month for continued updates from the Westminster Session. If you have questions about any of the items mentioned in this monthly update or want more details, please email
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