Spring Update from Westminster: Part Two
We have a had a wonderful spring here at Westmisnter. All of our ministry areas have seen growth as we strive grow together in the Gospel. In part one of our spring update, we shared updates from Families & Children, Young Adults, and Women’s Ministry. In this part of the spring update, we are sharing from Men's, ROAR Sports, and Student Ministry. We hope you will be encouraged to hear how God has been at work in these various ministries.
Men's Ministry
But [Jesus] answered, “It is written, “‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.’” -Matthew 4:4
Word of God Himself – Jesus – was the central focus on April 11 at a dinner attended by almost 250 Westminster members and guests to mark the conclusion of our SALT men’s discipleship ministry 2023-24 season. Dr. Dane Ortlund, our keynote speaker, is the author of our study book this year Gentle and Lowly: The Heart of Jesus for Sinners and Sufferers.
During Dane’s message, he mentioned that after arriving at his Rock Hill hotel on a sunny, cooler afternoon, he sat outside to get some work done. While sitting outside, he appreciated the warmth and comfort the sun gave him as it moved to shine on him more directly and completely.
“What do you think I was thinking as I enjoyed the sun’s warmth?” he asked the crowd.
What he was not thinking, he said, was, “Now, how do I apply this? What do I do with this?” No, he challenged, he simply enjoyed the warmth and soaked in the experience.
In living a Jesus-focused, gospel-centered life, we should simply rest in the loving embrace of the real, living, gentle, and lowly Savior who, having loved us so completely and thoroughly, “loved [us] to the end.” (John 13:1)
That love, Dane urged, is the place of security and confidence – the presence of Jesus with us and in us by the Holy Spirit – out of which we find grace to face our sin and repent of it, find the courage to persevere through the hard things of life, find the resolve to obey him, and find the compassion to share him with the lost.
Leaders of Westminster’s discipleship ministries for both men and women are planning an exciting discipleship season for 2023-24. More details will be available at the end of the summer.
ROAR Sports Ministry
Spring 2023 was ROAR’s largest-ever season! Because of the faithfulness of God and the kindness of his people, Westminster Park was able to create additional field space for us to expand our programming and serve more children. This season, 630 kids participated, representing 450 families. Many of those families do not have a church home, and we have given our church a chance to make a connection with them. We also hosted our Second Annual Day of Disc Golf in March at the beautiful new course at Westminster Park. This event is yet another way to spread our outreach in the community. Now, we are gearing up for our second season of Summer Adult Volleyball.
Student Ministry
The spring semester has been a full and exciting time for our Middle and High School students. Each age group met weekly at large group – our youth group meeting. There we studied Ephesians’ message about God’s plan for our lives. Of course, fellowship opportunities interspersed these meetings – putt-putt, cookouts, Westminster Park game nights, and more. At these events, students had an opportunity to grow together in their friendships and relationships with their small group leaders. Small groups are a vital part of our ministry, and they are the best way for a student to grow deeper with the Lord. We certainly had a wonderful time this semester. As the summer approaches, please be in prayer for the Edge and Project Sweat!
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