Don't Walk Through Grief Alone
Coping with the loss of a loved one is the most difficult among our life experiences. When we lose a spouse, sibling, or parent – our grief can be intense. We can be overcome by shock and confusion, leading to prolonged periods of sadness and depression. Grieving is an important means to deal with these feelings, while continuing to embrace the time you shared with your loved one. Healing from your grief is a hard and long process, but you are not alone.
At Westminster, we have a grief recovery support group called GriefShare. It is a thirteen-week program, with trained facilitators, that brings grieving people together to share their journey. There are three components to each session and they include: a video presentation led by experts in the field of grief, group discussion, and personal study and reflection using a GriefShare workbook. Each part is specifically designed to help participants recover from their grief.
The purpose of GriefShare is to assist individuals within Westminster Church - and in our community - to support them in their sorrow. God appoints the hearts of others to help people in their time of need. The GriefShare facilitators create a confidential, safe and caring environment during each session. They will always point to Jesus Christ as the ultimate healer for individuals as they experience the grief journey. In the book of Psalms, there are these hope-filled words, “Then I said, ‘It is my grief, that the right-hand of the Most High has changed.’”
If you are grieving or know someone who has experienced the loss of a significant person in his/her life, please consider attending our next semester of GriefShare which begins Wednesday, January 11. We will meet from 6 to 8 pm in the Westminster Admin Building. If you have any questions or need to talk, reach out to Don Gillespie our Director of Pastoral Care at Westminster.
We are also excited to announce that we have a new GriefShare initiative starting soon. We will have a GriefShare program designed specifically for grieving teens. Caleb Blow, Pastor of Student Ministries, will lead this program. More information will be available soon about the launch date.
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