The Lord has continued to be so good and merciful to our Bright Hope Refugee Ministry. In our second year of ministry, we have continued to develop meaningful relationships with our refugee families. Our families are making slow but steady advances towards self-sufficiency and growing in their understanding of the English language and American culture. All of our progress has been supported by our faithful volunteers and church staff. Our hearts are full of gratitude for your continued dedication to helping our families.

Looking Back at the Summer

This summer was full of many fun memories, while both the children and adults also continued the hard work of learning a new language, skills, and culture. Our six school-aged children participated in Camp Bright Hope where they received twice-weekly tutoring to help bridge learning gaps and reinforce their education. Simultaneously, our dads undertook intensive ESL training and computer classes to continue to lay the vital foundation that will allow them to earn more gainful employment opportunities. Our moms also continued to work with ESL tutors.

Our families enjoyed various fun activities like shopping, going out to eat, time at the park, going to the beach, and swimming lessons.


Looking Ahead at the Fall

This fall, our Bright Hope families are back to their new routines. Our youngest three children will attend preschool, while our other six children will attend Richmond Drive Elementary School. Our Bright Hope dads will continue ESL training while working. And our Bright Hope moms will participate in the second level of Make Welcome sewing and English training.

Our primary volunteer needs are currently in transportation and tutoring.

Preschool Transportation

Our youngest children are attending preschool for language acquisition, school readiness, and acculturation. We need help dropping the children off at Oakland Day School at 9 am and picking them up at noon. Please reach out to Christi Triplett at or 912.257.6461 for the particular times needed.


Tutoring Program

All of our school-aged children receive at least two sessions of tutoring each week in the Bright Hope Nook located beneath our sanctuary. In these sessions, they receive personal instruction and homework help. This year, we need at least four new tutors in addition to substitute tutors to fill in when the need arises. Tutors serve for one hour a week and do not need to be professional teachers. If you are interested in serving as a tutor, please contact Wanda Lee at or 717.645.7424.


Sewing Classes for Our Moms

Last year, our refugee moms began the Make Welcome refugee sewing program in Charlotte where they also received English training. This year, they will continue their lessons on Mondays from 10 am to noon. We need help transporting our moms to and from their classes in Charlotte. If you desire to build relationships with these moms by driving once a month, please reach out to Judy Honeycutt at or 256.880.7051.

Our moms have started using their new sewing skills to begin a business called Sewing Hope to sell their handmade creations. You can check out their Facebook page to order something for your own home. They also sell their “flatbread” through Kingdom Gardens. You can contact Hannah Monroe at 912.433.3326 to purchase some of their flatbread.


As we reflect on the past two years with our refugee families, we are amazed at their progress despite so much adversity. God has taught us all much about loving the stranger in word and deed. His provision for these families is a constant reminder for us all that He is our good and loving Father.

Bright Hope Coordinators - Christi, Bob, and Judy