October 5, 2020
by Jonathan Garrett
Let me tell you a true story. Two thousand years ago, Paul and his cohorts arrived in Ephesus and the power of the Spirit worked through Paul and his friends causing many to turn to the Way in that bustling metropolis. But all of the good citizens of Ephesus were not "locked-arms" and singing "Amazing Grace."
Some were quite perturbed by the religious shake-up taking plac...
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September 10, 2020
by Dr. Mike Honeycutt
"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."- Matthew 5:9
COVID 19 has provided fertile ground for conflict, lots of it. There are reports, for instance, of increased numbers of domestic violence and of "dramatically more severe" physical injuries.i "The number of people looking for divorces was 34 percent higher from March through June compared ...
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August 20, 2020
by Jeff Bryant
It's hard to believe that what we hoped in March would be a 2-4 week interruption to our lives is still our daily reality. And as this situation with the Coronavirus has continued many of us are beginning to feel, or already have been feeling, a deep spiritual weariness.There are days when I'm getting out of the bed and I say to myself "Once more unto the breach." Right no...
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July 22, 2020
by Chris Florence
| Tags: Culture, Life Application
A couple of weeks ago, I received an email that said, "I need to confront you." That friend was the third person to confront me within seven days. All of them about different things. Who enjoys being confronted or criticized? I certainly do not and I'm guessing you don't either. Yet confrontation and criticism happen almost daily. Brothers and sisters criticize each other....
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June 4, 2020
by Jonathan Garrett
| Tags: theology, Culture
If you are a nominally keen observer, you could take a look at my house right now and draw some pretty fair conclusions about me. With a discerning eye, you would see a pile of children's garments that have been washed, dried and folded but just didn't make it to the drawer or closet in which they reside. You would see a fence that is ninety-percent complete but with two p...
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May 21, 2020
by Chris Florence
| Tags: theology, Life Application
While eating dinner several years ago, we saw a storm roll in quickly with black clouds and strong winds. The pine and sweet gum trees outside the dining area began to lean over as if they were being pulled to the ground. A few seconds later, the house shook and a deafening crash reverberated through the room.
I slowly walked to the front room to view the damage. The vaul...
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May 13, 2020
by Jonathan Garrett
| Tags: theology, Life Application, Parenting
To say I have had more opportunities to spend time with my children during our shelter in place order would be a bit of an understatement. My wife, Jess, and I feel like a bowl that is holding one of those old school giant ice cream sundaesour kids are constantly on top of us and while they are sweet, they are also messy and constantly on the brink of a melt down! The joys...
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May 6, 2020
by Dr. Mike Honeycutt
This is both a WPC church update and a blog post about our children's ministry.
First, the update. God has provided us with our next Pastor of Families and Children. I wish I could tell you his name, but I can't. I wish I could tell you where he is coming from, but I can't. He has not yet told his own congregation. So, we need to be patient. This I can tell you. When he j...
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April 29, 2020
by Chris Florence
| Tags: theology
This coming Sunday will be our seventh Lord's Day of worshipping exclusively through online streaming. While we are deeply grateful for the technology that enables us to still sing, pray, and hear the preaching of God's Word together in our own homes, many of us miss being physically together to shake hands, give and receive hugs, hear each other's singing, and taking comm...
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April 22, 2020
by Jonathan Garrett
| Tags: theology, Culture
I've mentioned recently in a daily devotion video that my wife, Jess has decided to read the entire bible and is doing so using the help of Bible Project videos in the ReadScripture app and a podcast called The Bible Recap.
If you have always wanted to read the bible in its entirety but the task seemed daunting, perhaps these resources could help you too. She has plowed t...
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