Archives for June 2023

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Summer Reading List: Staff Recommendations

Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion by Os Guiness In a post-Christian context, Christians now need to present a compelling argument for the Gospel to people who aren't interested. This book is a warm approach to apologetics and worldview conversations with people who do not know Christ. Shop on Amazon Making Sense of God: Finding God in the Modern...

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Pastor Mike Honeycutt's Book Recommendations

Whether you're lounging on a beach, relaxing in a hammock, or enjoying some downtime, most people are looking for a good summer read. So we asked Pastor Mike Honeycutt for his recommendations from the books he has been reading recently. Each of these books is sure to be an informative read that will teach you, encourage you, and/or help you grow in your faith. Timothy Kel...

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