Posts Tagged with "Bible Reading"

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Some Favorite Books

In a recent video devotional (Daily Milk, April 14, 2020), I encouraged us all to read more as we shelter at home. So, I thought I would discuss some books that I believe are very much worth your time. 1. STUDY BIBLES Of course, I start with the Bible, but not just any Biblea study Bible. Understanding the Bible is a lifelong venture that requires time in the Word and le...

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Yes, You Can Read the Bible Too

As the New Year begins, many people want to grow deeper in their faith and commit to, or recommit to reading the Bible and praying regularly. Some of you already have a well-established practice and method; but others of you may not know where to start, or haven't quite found the rhythm that works best for you. Since I have been asked over the years how I go about my Bible...

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