Posts by WPC Staff

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Welcome Our New Executive Director, Steve Smith

As we have communicated previously, we have been searching over the last several months for a new Executive Director to help with the organizational health of our ministries. This pivotal role will not only help us think strategically but also unite our church community. We are thrilled to announce we have hired Steve Smith to fill this role beginning in January. Steve Sm...

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Introducing Our New Staff

We could not be more excited about the three new people who have joined our staff recently. We are so blessed to have such an incredible staff supporting our church. Please give a warm welcome to our newest staff members if you see them around. Samantha York ROAR Sports Administrative Assistant Samantha grew up in Asheboro, NC, before moving with her family to Rock ...

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Summer Reading List 2024

Whether your summer involves a trip to the beach, tiring your kids out at the neighborhood pool, or nights spent on your back porch enjoying the fireflies, chances are you will be cracking open a book or two in the next couple of months. Here is a list of books our pastors and staff recommend. Mike Honeycutt From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep...

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Student Ministry Interns

If you had or have school-aged children, you know how hard it is to keep kids entertained over their summer break. This makes the summer a key time in student ministry because kids want to spend more time with each other and our staff. To help us, we bring in interns each summer to make sure every one of our students is being reached over the summer. This year, we have an ...

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Spring Update

Women's Ministry Women's Discipleship just wrapped up our year-long study in the book of Mark. It was a meaningful study on the life and ministry of Jesus and the implications for us in our own lives. Studying the content of God's Word in the context of community is a beautiful blessing. In our recent survey women described their experience in the following ways. The ...

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Vision Meeting Recap

You may or may not remember that in 2019, we introduced a new strategic plan that included a new mission statement, core values, and strategy. We are excited to continue this plan through new efforts to enhance discipleship and shepherding. Our strategic plan also identified the need to update our campus to better fit our current ministries. We shared the beginnings of our...

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Session Update — Summer 2023

Last September we shared with you that the Westminster Session divided into several working teams to focus on particular aspects of the Safe Home-Effective Mission model for our church wherein we focus on caring for our congregation while also thinking outwardly for Kingdom mission. Over the last several months, the Session met in teams to work through their assigned tasks...

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Global Mission Update — July 2023

Through just three updates from missionaries we support, it is evident that God is at work throughout the world. We are grateful for the ability to support these missionaries and many others through your generous donations to missions. Be sure to mark your calendar for our Global Missions Weekend coming September 29 through October 1. We have a lot of exciting things in st...

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Summer Reading List: Staff Recommendations

Fool's Talk: Recovering the Art of Christian Persuasion by Os Guiness In a post-Christian context, Christians now need to present a compelling argument for the Gospel to people who aren't interested. This book is a warm approach to apologetics and worldview conversations with people who do not know Christ. Shop on Amazon Making Sense of God: Finding God in the Modern...

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Pastor Mike Honeycutt's Book Recommendations

Whether you're lounging on a beach, relaxing in a hammock, or enjoying some downtime, most people are looking for a good summer read. So we asked Pastor Mike Honeycutt for his recommendations from the books he has been reading recently. Each of these books is sure to be an informative read that will teach you, encourage you, and/or help you grow in your faith. Timothy Kel...

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Spring Update from Westminster: Part Two

We have a had a wonderful spring here at Westmisnter. All of our ministry areas have seen growth as we strive grow together in the Gospel. In part one of our spring update, we shared updates from Families Children, Young Adults, and Women's Ministry. In this part of the spring update, we are sharing from Men's, ROAR Sports, and Student Ministry. We hope you will be encour...

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Spring Update from Westminster: Part One

It's been a really busy winter and spring at Westminster. We are so blessed with such vibrant and active ministry areas within our church. Before the summer is upon us, we wanted to take a moment to share brief recaps from some of our different ministry areas. In part one, we are sharing an update from Families Children, Young Adults, and Women's Ministry. We hope you wil...

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Don't Walk Through Grief Alone

Coping with the loss of a loved one is the most difficult among our life experiences. When we lose a spouse, sibling, or parent our grief can be intense. We can be overcome by shock and confusion, leading to prolonged periods of sadness and depression. Grieving is an important means to deal with these feelings, while continuing to embrace the time you shared with your lov...

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Update From The Session

At the beginning of this year, the Session held a Saturday retreat to discuss strategic planning and a path forward for Westminster following the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic. It was determined to focus on two central roles of the church, as taught by Randy Pope of Perimeter Church PCA in Atlanta, GA "Safe Home" and "Effective Mission". A church is a safe home when...

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Summer Reading List - Part 4: Books on Parenting

Whether your summer involves a trip to the beach, tiring your kids out at the neighborhood pool, or nights spent on your back porch enjoying the fireflies, chances are you will be cracking a book or two open in the next couple of months. Here is a comprehensive list of book recommendations from our staff. We hope you enjoy these books as much as we have! Books on Parenti...

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Summer Reading List - Part 3: Books on Current Events & Creativity

Whether your summer involves a trip to the beach, tiring your kids out at the neighborhood pool, or nights spent on your back porch enjoying the fireflies, chances are you will be cracking a book or two open in the next couple of months. Here is a comprehensive list of book recommendations from our staff. We hope you enjoy these books as much as we have! Books on Current...

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Summer Reading List - Part 2: Books on Christian Living

Whether your summer involves a trip to the beach, tiring your kids out at the neighborhood pool, or nights spent on your back porch enjoying the fireflies, chances are you will be cracking a book or two open in the next couple of months. Here is a comprehensive list of book recommendations from our staff. We hope you enjoy these books as much as we have! 1. The Heart of ...

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Summer Reading List - Part 1: Pastor Mike Honeycutt's Recommendations

Whether your summer involves a trip to the beach, tiring your kids out at the neighborhood pool, or nights spent on your back porch enjoying the fireflies, chances are you will be cracking a book or two open in the next couple of months. Here is a comprehensive list of book recommendations from our staff. We hope you enjoy these books as much as we have! 1. Gentle and Lo...

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